Pubg similar games for mac
Pubg similar games for mac

pubg similar games for mac

What is new however are built-in services for optimizing your network performance, support for easier discovery of online friends for coop and MP play, built-in access for watching live streams on Nimotv and Nonolive services, and GameCenter - a centralized hub for discovering, downloading and playing wide variety of most popular Android games of today (including PUBG Mobile, Clash of Clans, Clash Royale, Brawl Stars, Arena of Valor, Clash of Kings, Candy Crush Saga, Rise of Kingdoms, Idle Heroes, 2 and many others). In its core, GameLoop is still the best Android emulator that you can use to bring many of the popular mobile games to life straight on your PC screen. After many months of working on new features and upgrades to old services, Tencent has released an updated version of Tencent Gaming Buddy app, finally exiting it from its original beta status with brand new interface, access to new tools, and with completely new branding that renames this app into Game Loop.

pubg similar games for mac

Gameloop is the next generation android emulator offered to you by Tencent, the same company that created the Android version of the popular battle royale videogame PUBG and that has distributed highly efficient Android emulator on PC called Tencent Gaming Buddy. Gameloop is able to display vibrant graphics and the same visual quality by PC rendering hardware. Join 500 million GameLoop players and enjoy the best gaming experience.

pubg similar games for mac

With GameLoop you can play on your Windows PC, PUBG Mobile, Arena of Valor, Cyber Hunter, Clash Royale and much more! GameLoop, the Official android emulator for PUBGM and Call of Duty.

Pubg similar games for mac